Conference Presentations


Solis, E. & Beykont, Y. (2024, June). Fortnite’s Commodification of Children via In-Game Advertising and Advergaming. Accepted to be presented in the Media Industry Studies division at the International Communication Association Conference (ICA). Gold Coast, Australia.


Beykont, Y. (2023, October). Global Spectacles: Is UK’s Christmas the New Super Bowl?. Presented at the Union for Democratic Communications in Philadelphia, PA.

Forde, S. L., Beykont, Y. & McAllister, M. (2023, October). When Audience Commodities Collide: Super Bowl Advertising in Canada. Presented at the Union for Democratic Communications in Philadelphia, PA.

Beykont, Y. (2023, October). From Memes to Ads: Problematizing the Commodification of Memes. Presented at AoIR 2023 Doctoral Colloquium in Philadelphia, PA. 

Forde, S., Solis, E. & Beykont, Y. (2023, May). Digital Disregard: A Case for Amending Quebec’s Children Advertising Legislation. Presented at the Canadian Communications Association (CCA). Toronto, Canada. *CRTC Prize for Excellence in Policy Research, PhD category

Beykont, Y. (2023, May) #MaterialGworl: Performing Conspicuous Consumption and Commodity Fetishism on TikTok. Presented in the Philosophy, Theory and Critique division at the International Communication Association Conference (ICA). Toronto, Canada. 

Beykont, Y. (2023, May) “When Our Lives Vanish”: Understanding Memetic Reactions to Meta Outage. Presented in the Popular Media and Culture division at the International Communication Association Conference (ICA). Toronto, Canada.  

Melton, B., Forde, S., & Beykont, Y. (2023, May). The Women of Republican TikTok: Gender Performance and the Conservative Double Bind. Presented in the Feminist Scholarship division at the International Communication Association Conference (ICA). Toronto, Canada.


Beykont, Y. (2022, November) Appropriation of Memes in Advertising: The Case of Burger King. Presented in the Critical & Cultural Studies division at the National Communication Association (NCA). New Orleans, LA.

McAllister, M., Forde S., & Beykont, Y. (2022, November) bell hooks’ “Eating the Other” as a Framework for Critical Advertising Studies. Presented in the Critical & Cultural Studies division at the National Communication Association (NCA). New Orleans, LA. *Critical and Cultural Studies Division Top Paper Panel

Solis, E. & Beykont, Y. (2022, November) Investigating the Significance of Storytelling in Non Story-Driven Video Games. Presented in the Game Studies division in the National Communication Association (NCA). New Orleans, LA.

Beykont, Y. (2022, October) “Sturdiest Safety Net:” Forming Collective Identity in Grad School Through Memes. Presented at the American Folklore Society Annual Meeting (AFS). Tulsa, OK.

Beykont, Y. (2022, September). Copyright and Memes in Advertising. Presented at the Graduate Student Workshop at TPRC 50, American University Washington College of Law, Washington, DC.

McAllister, M., Beykont, Y., & Forde S., (2022, August). The Racialized Celebrity Other in Perfume Advertisements. Presented in the Minorities and Communication division at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC). Detroit, MI.

Rumsey, L., Forde, S. & Beykont, Y. (2022, May). Wearing Symbolism: Analyzing US News Media’s Coverage of 2021 Inauguration Day Attire. Presented in the Journalism division at 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA). Paris, France. 

Beykont, Y. (2022, May). "Santa's Super Bowl”: Spectacular Consumption of Christmas in the UK. Presented in the Popular Media & Culture division at the 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA). Paris, France. 


Beykont, Y. (2021, October) “If you don’t spread you’re dead”: Sharing Pandemic Memes on Facebook.” Presented at the American Folklore Society Annual Meeting (AFS). Harrisburg, PA.


Beykont, Y. (2020, February) Memes as Dissent Tools against Brands: The Failure of PepsiCo “Live for Now” Movement. Presented at the Midwest Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference (MIGC). The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.

©2024 Yasemin Beykont